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"Healing" Nature

As a blogger I feel required to come off as “granola and edgy” and being in love with nature coincides with the two. However, I could care less about nature and do not love the outdoors. Think about the constant bugs, intoxicating smell of smoke, and just the unappealing outdoor smells. Granted the outdoors can be fun at times and extremely beautiful. However, the overwhelming negatives of nature can cause nature to not be healing. Frankenstein comes off as a very logical, serious man but tends to be very emotional at times. For instance, throughout the book he would seclude himself to a mountain or form of nature and contemplate life. In my own life this would not help me, but it would give me some peace. I would rather go get things done and fix the problem instead of sitting there hoping things get better. My brain does not see this to be beneficial, but for some people it might be peaceful.

Ice is a prevalent motif of Frankenstein due to the opening scene and somewhat cold feeling the book’s tone gives off. Also one might add that Victor’s heart was cold to his monsters creation causing him to rely on sublime to give him peace.

Word Count- 207

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